Message From Our President
Winter came late with its cold and snow but while it arrived so close to spring, it didn't last long. The Waterloo boys would like to plow in the middle of April, hope the weather cooperates.
We have a lot of projects going for tech night which will be held on the second and fourth Monday nights of each month. If you have any questions concerning tech night call Steve Koser.
We have had a few more pieces of equipment donated to the Waterloo boys museum this year. A John Deere drill is in already and a plow will be coming soon.
So get your tractors ready to bring to the John Deere Days at Rough and Tumble, event sponsored by the Waterloo Boys. The committee is putting a good show together so please come out and support them with your time and JD tractors. It will be a fun day.
Enjoy the spring and we'll see you at the shows!
Respectfully Submitted, Harvey Bashore, President